Waiting for the rain – Aspettando la pioggia – Așteptând ploaia (a true story – una storia vera)

valeriu dg barbu

trilingual post, badtranslations by me


In early spring I was looking for a job. I headed to an interview for a possible job on viaTuscolana in Rome and, of course, I dressed appropriately, and did not seem that I was poor, without a penny in his pockets.
In the street, a young african sang a ballad and was trying to sell small artisan objects. Arrived near me, he stopped me, jovial, to offer me a strange statue. I told her that I do not have a penny, trying to be at least listless, if I was not capable of a broad smile as his.
He grabbed my hand and told me not to worry about money, because money is like clouds bring rain or slip promptly to rain elsewhere … and gave me a small wooden elephant. He said he will bring good luck. He went on the chimney…

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