Daily Archives: decembrie 25, 2013

You use me – Mi stai usando – Mă foloseşti

valeriu dg barbu

trilingual text: English, Italian and Romanian language

you use me somehow
instead of crutches to go
crossing the paths of love…
instead of railing…
or shadow of your fear
I, docile, I’m listening, I follow you…
just at the end we will see each
which and how will be alone, look…
to already slipped your hand, asymmetric…
So do not be surprised then


Mi stai usando in qualche modo
al posto di stampelle per andare
attraversando i sentieri dell’amore…
al posto di ringhiera…
o ombra della tua paura
io, docile, ti ascolto, ti seguo…
solo alla fine si vedrà ciascuno
quanto sarà solo, guarda…
già ti scivola la tua mano, asimmetrico…
non meravigliarti allora


(work by artist Charles Long)

mă foloseşti cumva
în chip de cârje… să mergi
străbătând cărările dragostei…
în chip de balustradă…
sau umbră fricii tale
docil te ascult, te urmez…
abia la capăt vom observa fiecare

Vezi articolul original 17 cuvinte mai mult

my best wishes – i miei migliori auguri – cele mai bune urări

valeriu dg barbu

trilingual message: English, Italian and Romanian language

Today, December 25, 2013, the day of the great Christian feast, the Feast of the Nativity of our Savior Jesus Christ, I wish you living joy and sustainable, health and love, forgiveness and generosity, galore and spiritual elevation…
Your aspirations come true uplifting…
I thank you and I assure you of my fraternal love
God bless you
Merry Christmas perfected in your hearts


Oggi, 25 dicembre 2013, il giorno della grande festa cristiana, la festa della Natività del nostro Salvatore Gesù Cristo, vi auguro gioia viva e sostenibile, la salute e l’amore, il perdono e la generosità, l’elevazione spirituale e abbondanza…
Avverarsi le vostre aspirazioni edificanti…
Vi ringrazio e vi assicuro del mio amore fraterno
Dio vi benedica
Buon Natale perfezionato nei vostri cuori


Astăzi, 25 Decembrie 2013, la zi de mare sărbătoare creștină, praznicul Nașterii Mântuitorului nostru Iisus Hristos

Vezi articolul original 41 de cuvinte mai mult

Just a play of lines and curves… – Solo un gioco di linee e curve… – Doar un joc de linii și curbe…

valeriu dg barbu

trilingual text: English, Italian and Romanian language

You cannot borrow a tear
even if you have one, you cannot bring it into the rope at the fair, screaming,
as with a heifer, to sell it at a good price
and to rely only on luck, coming home,
with the rope in hand, without soap,
and you always be… the same branch of that you is hanging triumphalist
you cannot live on the edges of your time
you to be entirely genuine and trivial simultaneously
like a forest of wires and shadows glassy
like a cocoon hanging from the beams of the non-happened
things are neither good nor bad, without ambition remaining
still to be made
to lock a tear on his cheek invisible in the mirror
and raise her as your new face
in which you yourself become his enemy and hero who wins
the verbs from the absurd and…

Vezi articolul original 387 de cuvinte mai mult

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